Helping animals recover from car accidents

Understanding Rabbits’ Nutritional Needs

Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems and require a balanced diet to stay healthy and avoid digestive health problems, such as gastric dilation and gastrointestinal stasis. Diet also plays a vital role in dental health, as rabbit's teeth can become decayed or grow too long without the right amount of roughage in their diet. Some people choose to feed their rabbit a bespoke diet they have designed, while others will purchase a brand of rabbit nuggets, which is a dry food that's been formulated with the nutritional needs of rabbits in mind. Read More 

Understanding Canine Coronavirus Infection

Canine Coronavirus (CCV) is an intestinal disease that can affect any dog. It's highly contagious and can leave your dog feeling very unwell. CCV is not related to COVID-19, a human-spread form of coronavirus, and it does not affect the respiratory tract. However, without prompt treatment, CCV can be fatal. Your dog can be exposed to CCV through contact with contaminated faeces, and dog's with a weakened immune system are at an increased risk of contracting the infection. Read More 

Health Issues In Pets Which Need Emergency Attention

Dealing with a sick pet is a tricky experience, considering that the pets do not know how to express themselves. Since they cannot communicate, the only thing you can do to monitor the health of your pet is to observe their behavioural changes. You might not be able to understand the illness behind the change, but the signs will help you know when to seek emergency pet services. Here are a few sure signs which indicate that your favourite pet is not well. Read More 

3 Things to Know When Your Cat Wears a Collar After Surgery

If your cat is scheduled for an operation that will need stitching, then your vet may have already warned you that they want your pet to wear a protective collar, These collars are usually plastic cones that sit around your cat's neck and extend out around the face. This design prevents your cat from getting its mouth on its wound site. So, the collar will help prevent infections, healing delays and pulled-out stitches. Read More 

What to Expect During Your Pet Dental Cleaning

Pets are known to get periodontal disease, and that is why dental cleaning is recommended. You may not know when cleaning may be required; therefore, when you visit your vet for regular check-ups, you should ask them about dental care. Your vet will be in a position to give you the best advice. What should you expect during pet dental cleaning? Oral Exam Your pet may be given an oral exam when awake or under anaesthesia. Read More