Helping animals recover from car accidents

Top Reasons to Send Your Puppy to a Professional to Be Trained

If you have just brought a puppy home, then the last thing that you might want to do is send it somewhere. After all, you and your family members might be really enjoying your puppy's new presence in the home. However, you should think about sending your puppy to a professional to be trained for a few weeks. If you aren't sure of whether or not this is something your family will want to do, consider these reasons. Read More 

Parasites and Your Pet Dog: Your Questions Answered

This article answers some common questions you may have about parasites that can affect your dog's health. Read on to find out more. What types of parasites can affect my dog? Dogs can be affected by various parasites, including intestinal worms such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, heartworms, fleas and ticks. How does my dog become infected with parasites? Parasites can enter your dog's body in several ways depending on the type of parasite you are dealing with. Read More 

Should an Easily Scared Puppy Go to Obedience Training?

It's quite easy to accidentally scare a baby. All it takes is a loud noise or something capable of startling them, and hey presto—you've got a scared baby. A puppy is a different species of baby, but it's a baby nonetheless. The general recommendation is that you should begin to train your new puppy when they reach seven or eight weeks of age. But is it smart to take an easily scared dog to puppy school? Read More 

5 Toilet Problems That Indicate Your Cat Needs to See a Vet

Watching your cat poop and pee may not sound like the most fun part of being a pet parent, but it's important to keep an eye on your kitty's toileting habits from time to time. Believe it or not, what goes on in your cat's litter box can be a big indicator of their health. In fact, many unusual urinary and faecal issues can actually be early signs of more serious conditions. Read More 

Dog Care: The Dangers Of Rat Poison

When you think about preventing your dog from ingesting poison, you may think about common toxins in your home, such as cleaning products, medication and certain foods. However, there are also poisonous substances to be aware of that are commonly found outside the home. Rat poison often contains bromethalin as its active ingredient and is highly toxic to dogs when ingested. If you put rat poison down in your home, you will need to ensure your dog is kept elsewhere. Read More