Rabbits are susceptible to dental abscesses that form around the root of a tooth. These abscesses occur when bacteria enters the tooth pulp through the gums and cause pus to build up around the tooth pulp. Abscesses can be caused by dental decay, but tooth elongation is a more common cause. Rabbits' teeth are always growing, and if their diet doesn't provide sufficient opportunity to gnaw and keep their teeth filed down, their teeth can puncture their gum tissue, which gives bacteria the opportunity to access the roots of their teeth.
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Cats love to try and entice you to share your food with them, and they are experts at reaching those high shelves and kitchen countertops. So is it safe for your cat to eat the foods you enjoy? There are a number of foods you can safely share, such as cooked meat, brown rice and steamed broccoli, but some foods can harm your cat. Here are five foods you should never feed your cat:
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Most dogs can experience an upset tummy from time to time, but what action should you take if your pet becomes ill and when should you seek veterinary attention? Read on for some helpful tips.
How to spot a tummy upset in your dog
Identifying an upset tummy is usually pretty straightforward. Your dog may exhibit one or more of the following signs that all is not in order:
loose stools diarrhoea swollen, sore tummy All these signs are generally caused by your dog eating something that hasn't agreed with his digestion, he could have picked up something whilst out for a walk, for example.
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Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection that's easily passed to cats and humans from contact with infected faeces. Cats can also contract the infection from eating tainted raw meat, and kittens whose mother has toxoplasmosis can be born with it. This is a life-threatening illness that can cause damage to your cat's nervous system and organ failure due to severe dehydration. Here's an overview of the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment approach:
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If you own a bitch that's pregnant, the arrival of the puppies can be both exciting and stressful. So how do you know when the puppies' arrival is imminent and when should you call your emergency vet? Read on for more information.
Signs of imminent whelping
When your bitch is ready to give birth, she will display some or all of the following signs:
signs of nesting – looking around for a suitable place to give birth restlessness loss of appetite temperature drop to below 37.
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