
Understanding Choking In Chinchillas

Choking occurs when the oesophagus is obstructed, and common causes of obstruction in chinchillas include large chunks of food, bedding material, pieces of toys and household items with rough edges. Female chinchillas can also choke when eating their placenta after giving birth. Chinchillas are unable to vomit, so they have no way of clearing their airway on their own. Therefore, choking should be treated as an emergency, as your chinchilla is at risk of dying as a result of asphyxiation. Read More 

3 Dietary Tips to Reduce Your Pregnant Dog’s Postpartum Eclampsia Risk

Postpartum eclampsia is one of the most dangerous conditions which affects dogs who have recently given birth. Caused by low blood calcium (known as hypocalcaemia), eclampsia is most common in toy breed dogs or dogs having their first litter. The condition can be fatal if left untreated, so it's important to take steps to reduce your dog's risk. Here are 3 dietary tips to follow that will help prevent her from getting eclampsia. Read More 

3 Common Causes Of Hair Loss In Dogs

If your dog is experiencing hair loss, they'll need to be examined by your vet, as hair loss is often a symptom of an underlying health problem. The pattern of hair loss and any accompanying symptoms, such as local inflammation and crusting around hairless patches of skin, can help your vet determine the cause of your dog's hair loss. Your vet will also take a skin cell sample from an affected area, and this will be analysed for the presence of mites, fungal spores and bacteria. Read More 

4 Reasons to Immediately See the Vet if You Suspect Your Dog Has a Gastrointestinal Blockage

If your dog develops a gastrointestinal obstruction, ingested fluids and food, as well as bodily secretions, will accumulate. Many obstructions will simply pass without the assistance of a vet, but that doesn't mean that you should take chances and see if the condition resolves itself. If you suspect that your dog has a gastrointestinal obstruction, here are four important reasons to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Read More 

Dental Abscesses In Rabbits Explained

Rabbits are susceptible to dental abscesses that form around the root of a tooth. These abscesses occur when bacteria enters the tooth pulp through the gums and cause pus to build up around the tooth pulp. Abscesses can be caused by dental decay, but tooth elongation is a more common cause. Rabbits' teeth are always growing, and if their diet doesn't provide sufficient opportunity to gnaw and keep their teeth filed down, their teeth can puncture their gum tissue, which gives bacteria the opportunity to access the roots of their teeth. Read More